Monday, July 4, 2011

"Autumn" - Bangle.

A page from my design book; some ideas for the bangle  Im working on. I don't draw all that much, so i use my sketches only as a starting point for an idea, then just make the piece as I go, I feel more comfortable working that way. Sometimes it evolves drastically, and sometimes slight. I would like it to look somewhat like a bed of leaves on the ground in autumn. Layered, with all different types of leaves. Some leaves will be 925 and some in fine silver, different techniques used to create the different leaves as well, for contrast.  I imagine the final piece to have a rough look to it. I've decided Im going to start naming my pieces, like art , as i like to think of my work as                  Jewellery Art. This piece will be called "autumn".

Daniela-Designed: Handmade Jewellery Art

My photo
My intention is to make earth-friendly jewellery with nature as my primary reference.
Planting Season